A life in politics

A diplomat looks back.

Jürgen Chrobog

Half a century of German and world history in the service of the Federal Foreign Office – Jürgen Chrobog has recorded this “life in politics” between Brussels, Bonn, Singapore, Berlin, and Washington D.C. with travel halfway around the world as personally as with the sober-analytical eye of an observer and insider.

Whether the role spectrum of the diplomatic service, portraits of the politicians he worked for, colleagues who shared their experiences with him, or lines of development and conflict in world politics – these records are about the inside view of an actively involved observer.

“Jürgen Chrobog’s vocation was diplomacy. His memoirs allow to relive the most important foreign policy decisions and help classify where we are today and why” (Sigmar Gabriel)


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A life in politics

A diplomat looks back.

Autor(en): Jürgen Chrobog

Lieferbarkeit: Lieferbar, Neuerscheinungen

ISBN: 978-3-949111-14-3

25,00 Euro | 34,80 CHF


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    A life in politics

    A diplomat looks back.

    ISBN: 978-3-949111-14-3

    25,00 Euro | 34,80 CHF